I’m a Life Coach in Bath with a Focus
on Well-being and Optimum Health

Your Happiness, your Health and your Performance are my priorities

I make businesses and individuals perform at their best. Through one-to-one life coaching, healthy nutrition, psychological analysis and spiritual principles, I help you grow into your fullest potential. If you are feeling ‘stuck’ in life; if you have a problem area you want to overcome; or if you are searching for deeper purpose or meaning, then hiring a life coach can make real, authentic transformation.

When you work with me as your life coach, we will develop the areas of life most critical to your success and happiness – financial, social, health, psychological, spiritual. By hiring an expert to share the most effective strategies and tactics of success, you can earn the maximum possible rewards for your efforts. With your weekly coaching meeting, you take time to analyse your performance and plan your next week. By having a friend and ally who wishes to see the best in you grow, you are held accountable to your best intentions and the achievement of your goals.

I have devoted my life to understanding the principles of living well, and I wish to share this passion with you.

If you would like to know more about individual one-to-one life coaching see my life coaching services, or if you are a business looking to boost the productivity of your team, you can look at my business coaching page. Or, if you are curious to learn more about my perspective and want free personal development videos, I post regular content on my LBRY / Odysee channel.


– Hello! My name is
Richard Harris

If you would like to know more about individual one-to-one life coaching see my life coaching services, or if you are a business looking to boost the productivity of your team, you can look at my business coaching page. Or, if you are curious to learn more about my perspective and want free personal development videos, I post regular content on my LBRY / Odysee channel.

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Watch the introduction video now

Welcome to Richard Harris Coaching. This short introduction video tells you a little bit about me and what I do.

My Core Principles

Every coach brings the tried and tested formulas for personal growth, but also adds to it what is uniquely their own.

Goal Setting

The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. As your life coach, I help you create goals using the most up to date principles of performance psychology, and break them into measurable and achievable milestones – with weekly accountability.

Diet and Nutrition

Your physical health is vitally important, and I want to make it much, much better. I coach you on holistic methods like nutrition, exercise and cleansing for a healthy, robust body.

Spiritual Growth

Where materialism finishes, spirituality begins. I bring a variety of spiritual practices to my coaching practice from Western and Eastern traditions. My aim is truth, love and freedom in all ways, but especially in spiritual matters.

Personal Development

From biohacking to the latest cognitive tweak, I have always been fascinated by the strategies and tactics which cultivate 'success'. In our life coaching sessions, I share and implement these wonderful tools to help my clients reach their goals faster.

Therapy for Well People

Using the best tools from positive psychology, I coach you to put your mind and emotional world in top condition. Just being 'well' is fine, but I want to make you 'optimal'.

Business Mentoring

Growing your independent income is important, and I want to help you do it. I've been in business for over 15 years, and share my business and investing knowledge to help clients become independently wealthy.

Take the step to radical
personal growth now.